Text Watermark
Text Watermark
Image Watermark
Image Watermark

Image Watermark

This widget uses jQuery to implant a watermark on images to discourage theft. The watermark can be either text or an image.
Text Watermark
The text watermark has controls for width, position, margin, text size, text color and opacity and for the background color and its opacity.
By varying the text opacity and the background opacity, the watermark can be made very prominent or faded discretely into the image.
The watermark is positioned using points of the compass and the value for "margin".
NOTE:The text is entered into javascript so it is important not to use special characters. If an apostrophe must be used, preceed it with a backslash.
Use this to create the © sign:   \u00A9
Image Watermark
The image watermark has controls for choosing the image and setting its opacity, position and margin.
There is a button in the widget settings panel which will download a folder with some copyright images of various sizes when clicked.

EverWeb Widgets