EverWeb Widgets

Animated Caption
Image Link
Image Link New Window
A Link inserted in the caption text.
Adjustable Width Caption Container

Hero FX Slider

The full width fixed height slideshow has twenty eight different transition types plus a random setting. The images can be hyperlinks if required and the caption can aminate in from the bottom.
Navigation is via previous/next arrows which appear on hover when viewed on a computer. There is also a play/pause button for visitors to play the slides if they want. When in play or autoplay mode, there is a progress wheel at the top right of the slideshow stage. The slide time and transition time are set in milliseconds.
Although the slideshow has an autoplay option, this is not advisable for any situation and certainly not when it is viewed on a tablet.
On touch devices, autoplay is not an option and the slides are navigated by swiping.
Captions are turned on globally. The caption container can be adjusted for percentage width and can be styled with background opacity and a border and/or box shadow. The caption distabce from the bottom can be set.
Like the other Hero media widgets, there is a control for adjusting the image scroll rate to be slower than the rest of the content to give a parllax scrolling effect.
The slides can be configured as hyperlinks on an individual basis and can be set to open in a new window.
Text links can also be created in the captions using HTML and can be styled in the widget settings panel for color, hover color and text decoration. See the Info section for more about creating hyperlinks …

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